I'm New Here!

There are no conditions to be met for being welcomed to the work and worship of the church The word, “Presbyterian” simply refers to our representative form of government, where every church elects its’ governing leaders from among the congregation.
What if I’m not Presbyterian? Presbyterians believe that “God alone is the Lord of conscience”, which means every individual decides for themselves what is meaningful for their faith journey, and individual differences are respected.
The Place! Every place to gather in the building is accessible, (including the restroom facilities). There are designated parking spaces for handicapped and older folks in the parking lot behind the church.
Check out the Youth Group link! For Junior High and High School youth.
Dress code? No way! Some folks like to dress up and others like to come in comfy clothes. How I dress is not what’s important to God or us!
Parking? Our church is located at 1 Browns Ave. Scottsville, NY 14546. There is a parking lot behind the church with ample spaces for everyone!